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SEO Mistakes to Avoid at All Cost

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become very important and is one of the main factors that can decide your fate in the online market. There are many ways to optimise your website for the search engines, but you have to avoid some common mistakes in order to ensure the increased ranking of your page in search engines, especially major ones like Google and Yahoo! 

Knowing how to optimise your website will get it as high up on the search engine results page as possible. It’s a good idea to learn what SEO mistakes people usually commit, so that you won’t make them yourself. 

As a business owner, you may be facing a lot of challenges day in and day out. You would want to focus more on running your business and spend more time on making sure your customers are satisfied with your service. Instead of navigating the online marketing world, which may be new to you, and learning the ropes of the way search engine rankings work, there are people who can do the job for you. It’s best you seek help from a Wakefield SEO company. Still, it would help for you to be aware of some SEO essentials such as the mistakes to avoid, and the SEO consultant would be happy to advise you. So what are these mistakes?

The Most Common Mistakes

SEO Mistake Number 1: Incorrect use of keywords in page titles, descriptions, meta tags, headers or outgoing links. A few years ago, most SEO efforts were centered only on keywords on a webpage’s metadata. Now, webmasters are able to rank better and with less risk with proper use of the right keywords in the right place with the correct number of keywords.

SEO Mistake Number 2: Incorrect internal links. Internal links are a great SEO strategy and will help you get a lot of visitors. But you need to pay attention to the internal links. A link inside a website is only a PR away from being considered spam. If it’s too close or looks like an affiliate link, then it is. If your site is getting a lot of visitors without really converting them into sales, you should consider removing the affiliate link and see if the rankings improve.

SEO Mistake Number 3: Incorrect use of website CSS files. Your website should always be kept as clean as possible. Using fancy graphic software like flash and Java on your web pages will make them look great but will have little benefit to your ranking. Your page speed should be as fast as possible so you won’t have to wait for long loading times to load your pages and improve your rankings.

SEO Mistake Number 4: Poor meta description is another SEO content mistake that many people make. The meta description is a little bit of a misnomer since the description is not visible to the readers and only the search engine spiders can read the contents. But this is an important SEO technique that can help you get indexed faster and avoid being penalised.

SEO Mistake Number 5: Another SEO mistake to avoid is using nofollow and nostorage. The reason for using nofollow attribute is to keep Googlebot from indexing your site. Google has the ability to remove nofollow attributes whenever they feel it’s necessary. So when you do create a new page, you want to create follow links on that page so you won’t have to worry about the nofollow attribute. No storage links are just as important and although there aren’t any major advantages of using them, you may want to consider trying them out if you don’t have any follow links on your web pages.

Do Some Research, Learn More

These are just some of the most known mistakes when it comes to SEO. It’s always a good idea to learn more about this topic and if you’re serious about becoming an SEO expert or at least, be more able to make use of SEO for your own web site, Google should be able to help you find as many informative articles as possible.